Brandon WilliamsCraig, Ph.D. is the founder of Culturesmith partnerships, consulting, and services. Working across domains by blending many areas of expertise, his professional work in the last decade alone has included:
Born and raised in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, Texas, his first career was in the professional regional and touring theater, as well as in choral music and as a liturgical soloist. His Ph.D. in mythological studies and depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute combines psychology, literature, and religious studies to demonstrate the indispensable interoperability of the humanities with social science, organizational development, and public policy. His teaching and research focuses on the history and literature of psychology, the psychology of genre, the embodied (somatic) psychology of belief, the narrative construction of culture and the threat of disinformation to The Myth of Peace, and the development of the Process Arts.
Brandon has extensive experience contributing to the leadership of and teamwork within private and public institutions, accepts executive positions corp-to-corp and as a contractor or employee, offers leadership and facilitation training, and has worked in the study of peace and conflict since 1998, as well as providing curriculum development, conflict education, and community mediation services.
Brandon Sensei is a 5th degree blackbelt in aikido. He is founder and Chief Instructor of Aikido Oak Cliff, and was founder/Chief Instructor of Free Aiki Dojo and served as Chief Instructor of Golden Bears Aikido at UC Berkeley. He is also an un-ranked (not yet licensed to teach) member of the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai, a classical budo school (koryu) directed by Kaicho Toby Threadgill. This style of jujutsu influences his aikido and all of his martial and somatic learning.
Brandon's body-based facilitation method, called Martial Nonviolence (MNv), pairs traditional aikido, professional theater techniques, and real-time facilitation, and is the heart of the work presented and developed at His somatics students learn to Embody Nonviolence through somatic conflict resolution. His clients focused on leadership, management, and administration practice Conflict Done Well. MNv also powers an internationally funded Peace Practices curriculum being offered by ABC and practiced by students from 4 to 84 years of age in Montessori, public, and private schools. Brandon resides in North Texas with his wife and two children, and consults nationally and internationally.
To request a seminar, please visit
* (numbers from Summer 2022 - now expanded)
brandon at culturesmith dot com
Please call 972-503-6991 to schedule face-to-face client/consultation times.
In order to receive approval for a sign-in account and work within this site, please review and accept the agreement below.
All parties to this agreement recognize and support the claims of Brandon Williamscraig Ph.D. upon his intellectual properties under the terms described here. For instance, but without limitation thereby, while there are practices in the public domain involving the extension of principles associated with martial arts, in particular jujutsu and aikido, into venues beyond physical training in "dojos" and other training situations, it is the original and singular contribution of Dr. Williamscraig to 1) combine physical martial movements and techniques with specific words, scripts, and phrases; 2) to call this innovation "Aikido Two Point Oh" or "Aikido 2.0"; 3) control use of the unique methods and names he originates to circulate his methods, including "Martial Nonviolence", which uses Aikido 2.0 to develop the ability to perform well, in the sense both of taking action and displaying or demonstrating for an audience, especially under pressure, through improvisation skills, and use these methods to become a skillful facilitator of teamwork and group decision-making; 3) apply this original method in curricular form under the unique title "Peace Practices", a curriculum, idea, and name which he may offer or license under terms he deems acceptable but is under no obligation to continue or extend beyond whatever is established by contract; 4) retain exclusive right to present his unique methods and names under the title and rubric "Conflict Done Well" for all intents and purposes.
By using this site you agree that All parties to this agreement agree that his websites, including and others, all code, configuration, and all original contents are intellectual property retained in all parts and for all uses by Brandon Williamscraig. All parties further agree to refrain from claiming credit for ideas originated by Brandon Williamscraig, a partial list of which may be found here, and will give credit to Brandon Williamscraig by name in any work, via any form of communication, should his ideas be mentioned or extrapolated into/from images or concepts originated or synthesized by him in any medium.
You understand that Brandon coined and reserves the right for everyone to share the term "Process Arts", which refers to the field of group process design and facilitation. When he teaches or facilitates, he often describe what happens using various names and phrases he originated. He owns the exclusive right to use following phrases, variations, and associated acronyms and URLs: Free Aiki and Free Aiki Dojo, People Green, Bluevolution (Bv), Associative Inquiry (AsIn) and Archetypal Resonance Imaging (ARI), Analogical System Knowledgebase (ASK), Associative Inclusion Dynamics (AID), Embody Nonviolence, the Myth Of Peace, Healing Friction, Martial Nonviolence (MNv), Culturesmith, Arts of Peace, Flexibility In Adversity Training (FIAT), and variations of: "Conflict Done Well"(CDW), "peace is conflict done well", "doing conflict well", "Aiki anywhere",, and Also originated and reserved to the Commons are: culturopoiesis and culturopoesis, metashaman, and metashamanism, whereas he reserve the right to own the URLs that reflect these terms.
Peace practices, community building and conflict facilitation; mediation and negotiation; social profit organizing and administration, ensemble creation, and team building; spoken and media-based communications and performance; academic learning and administration; supervision and management.
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