Aikido Oak Cliff

Founded by Sensei Brandon Williamscraig, Aikido Oak Cliff is the home and training center for his Conflict Done Well system, which is comprised of Aikido 2, Martial Nonviolence, and Peace Practices. For more about Sensei and, more importantly, the results of our practice together, please have a look at these recommendations from previous students, colleagues, and teachers.

Please fill out our waiver.
When we receive your information, Brandon Sensei will make contact.
Most of our classes are hybrid so, as online options help us to train safely when it is necessary to be apart, please also be sure to
sign up for online classes.
After deciding to continue training regularly, we'd also like to invite you to complete our slightly longer Introduction Form.
PAY NOTHING until you are ready. Contact Brandon Sensei [sensei @ aikidooakcliff dot com or 972 503 6991] for a conversation. Come check us out. When you begin coming regularly, please begin a monthly payment you can afford (most often $25-100). Nobody in our dojo misses training for financial reasons. When you are ready to support the dojo both by training and contributing, please click here:
We offer 55 minute classes both in-person and online for children and adults. All students are asked to subscribe to both (see below) so we can be prepared to be flexible. All times written here are in the US Central timezone.
Welcome to the next phase of the Art of Peace, Aikido 2.0. We begin with traditional aikido body movement learned with a minumum of talk, but incorporate language and imagination explicitly, on the mat, as soon as the basic movements are in place. You don't even need to be an aikido practitioner to begin this work. If you do practice aikido, check this out: Why Call It Aikido 2.0? If you'd like to train with us, please click on this link for Aikido Oak Cliff, our home dojo in Dallas, Texas, and make contact. If we receive your information via our waiver or some other route, Brandon Sensei will contact you to schedule a conversation. That's how everyone begins.
Conflicts are always multi-level. What we believe, communicate, and do all matter. One way to understand this is to observe conflict in all its aspects: psychological, physical, systemic, and more--which is to say fully somatic (embodied). Movements and words together form the most accessible gateway to aligning action and intention, so practicing how you conflict is really the only way to be able to use both movement and communication smoothly under pressure. If you practice all kinds of conflict as though you were practicing a martial art that celebrates difference rather than harming the opposition, then conflict itself changes to become more humane. As Ueshiba Morihei, the founder of aikido, made clear, the purpose is not to throw down some opponent but to transform conflict in the world. Why not practice that in every dojo, at very least? Why not in every family and organization?
Please subscribe to our email list and Zoom classes, and find us on Facebook to learn about others who are exploring this work. Here is encouragement from a world-renowned expert:
"Brandon Sensei is immensely thoughtful and clear as he shares his approach to Aikido. He’s not only creative but also what he’s teaching and developing in his Aikido practice is what our world needs now. He is passionate about what he’s doing, and truly cares that his students understand and GET what he’s teaching. I so appreciate how Brandon has put together Conflict Done Well and Peace Practices as a way to teach all people Aikido principles in both a physical and mental way. Everything in his most recent Brazil seminar made perfect sense to me and flowed beautifully. This work in the world is much needed and so valuable!"
Sensei Kayla Feder MA, Shihan 7th dan Aikikai Intl., Founder and Dojo Cho, Aikido of Berkeley
Not a faster or more deadly physical martial art...
Not the aikido name used to refer to software...
Not using the web to make your dojo more visible (though this is helpful too)...
Instead, the next step in the direction the founder of aikido intended: changing the world beyond the dojo for the better by changing how conflict works.
Thereafter, when you are ready, move beyond even Aikido 2.0 to learn the real-time improvisation and facilitation skills of Martial Nonviolence. Learn the whole Conflict Done Well system and become a conflict professional. Perhaps, you might like to become a Peace Practices Instructor.