Process Arts+Image

Group process as an art.


"Process Arts" refers to the field which includes all disciplines which study, design, and facilitate group process. Though the term was coined by Brandon WilliamsCraig and released to the commons, the process arts are ancient, emergent in the contemporary era, and in development by colleagues all around the world using names like management, consulting, facilitation, dialogue and deliberation, marketing, community organizing, social action, and many more.

This background appears on the collaborative website for developing the process arts,


In Blessed Unrest, Paul Hawken included the process arts but presented it inaccurately as a methodology rather than as the name for the field.

Process arts in Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawken


In the Change Handbook...

Process arts in the Change Handbook


At the Moving On Center School for Participatory Arts and Research on the staff of which Brandon WilliamsCraig worked for several years. They used the term with permission and understanding of its scope.


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