MNv Openings+Person
In MNv, two complimentary positions are placed in tension in order to find the ideal configuration for a conflict process. It is helpful to imagine that the persons currently engaged with each other are the perfect combination to find their way to an authentic outcome. After all, nobody but the people in conflict could be a more expert voice to express the issues involved.
It is also helpful to consider whether adding or subtracting persons might be an experiment worthy of exploration. For example, when two people or groups are locked into the idea that one or the other will need to give up or fail for the other to "win", then a third party might make a positive difference by bringing in alternative ways to proceed, especially if they practice a process art and are a willing and able facilitator. On the other hand, a group of different interests might gain clarity about a complex issue by voluntarily reducing the voices to one or two, and then alternating which one or two is empowered by the group to speak.