Thinking Archetypally about Waiting

The Thinking Archetypally series offers a series of meditations on how we imagine and create daily life:

Waiting has no creation date, but reaches back into the depths of mythological time. Imagination suggests that the dilemmas associated with waiting have always been a part of human experience and continue today. When I say "dilemmas," I refer to the natural tensions associated with waiting. The word refers not to a concrete thing but to a spectrum of experiences related by a central theme, which is not good or bad but simply is. Waiting is just part of reality. When it is a good idea it is patience; when it is ill advised it is at best delay. There is a natural tension as one waits, often, to find out if waiting was a good idea or not.


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I'm gonna have to think on this one. Is that taking a wait an see attitude?

  --Laurent (Not signed in).....2012-10-21 21:15:19 +0000