Paula Craig - TO BE PRO-CHOICE

May 26, 2005


To be Pro-Choice does not mean you approve of abortion.

Losing the potential for life and relationship is always a sad, grievous. and serious loss. Abortion means we are not able to live up to our full potential at a specific time – a male is unable to father his seed, a female is unable to carry and develop life with grace, a society is unable to nurture, care for, and protect its citizens. To be unwilling is to be unable. No one can force someone else to love. Abortion is the physical evidence of being unwanted.


Being Pro-Choice means that you realize that the basic issue of life is that everyone, individually, must make choices. Being Pro-Choice means that you respect life in everyone not just in a chosen few. Legislating away peoples’ individual moral choices does not make the nation stronger and wiser, rather weaker and more furtive. Deliberately creating a society that nurtures (I don’t mean indulges), that cares for the true necessities of (I don’t mean throws money at), that protects (I don’t mean is blind to the faults of) its citizens makes it possible for its citizens to make Good Moral Choices.


Every time leaders, corporations, or legislative bodies makes the collective choice to make it harder for fathers to keep a job that will feed their children, they are Pro-Abortion.

Every time government agencies waste millions of dollars that could have made mothering poor children easier, they are Pro-Abortion.


Every time corporate raiders loot businesses saying, “What matters is the bottom line,” they are Pro-Abortion.


Every time voters vote to protect their own financial interests rather than to benefit the common good, they are Pro-Abortion.


Abortion doesn’t mean “killing babies” –that’s too simplistic. It means deciding not to nurture life.

pcraig 5-26-05


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