Odette to be PSR Dir Field Ed Context Learn

Before concluding this communion message, I need to make an announcement.

This is a most difficult one for me to make.
I have been invited to join the faculty of Pacific School of Religion as Director of Field Education and Contextual Learning. After a great deal of anguished prayer and deep discernment on my own and with Jim, I have decided to accept the invitation. I am confident by God's grace that I am led to do so. This means that I will be leaving as pastor of Epworth United Methodist Church as of August 1st.
I know this may be shocking.  I have four important things I need to say to you.
First of all, I had assumed I would continue as pastor of this amazing congregation for years to come. The Bishop and our District Superintendent, Renae Extrum-Fernandez, did not initiate nor advocate for this move in any way.
Secondly, I was not seeking to leave. Late Spring PSR completed an internal search and then a national search and then approached me. They knew of my interest and work in founding the contextual education program twelve years ago. I agreed to meet with the Committee. The President of PSR, Riess Potterveld offered me the position.
This has been a extremely difficult and wrenching decision for me. I love this community and I love being in ministry with you...
But this new position will bring together my years in higher education, mentoring, teaching, and pastoral ministry. It will also be a season to work with faculty here in Berkeley to help form and transform leadership for church and society.
I have served eight years as your pastor. I am continually amazed by your gifts and growth and discipleship. My heart is here.
I ask your forgiveness, especially staff, and leaders, for not speaking to you personally before making this announcement. I could not. It was absolutely in the best interest of Epworth. I also ask your forgiveness for not being a part of the pastoral relationships and projects that will go forward without me.
Finally, I want to say a word about the path ahead.
Our Superintendent knows the importance of appointing the best pastoral leadership for the Epworth congregation. She met with the Pastoral Staff Parish Relations Committee this morning when they were informed of my decision so they could immediately begin the consultative process. PSPRC: Chairperson, Becky Wheat (met with her on Thursday); Molly Brostrom; Tracy Emayan; Glenn Eagleson; Susan Harrison; Vivian Chavez; Anna Martinez. Lay leaders, Don Arreola-Burl and John Schweitzer will also be involved.
The caliber and character of your former pastors, including Dave Slorpe, Bill Dew, Nobu Hanaoka, Jim Lockwood-Stewart, and Ron Parker, gives me comfort in my grief at leaving you. I am also confident that the ministers of this congregation, you, will continue to show up for each other, step up, and step out on faith to welcome everyone to the love of God and challenge everyone to live out their ministry in the world.
Immediately following worship, I will send this announcement out by email and U.S. mail to the full membership. Again, I ask forgiveness for the suddenness of this word. In fact, this morning I made copies of this statement that will be available downstairs- so that if you stopped listening at any part of this announcement, you can take one with you.
My last Sunday will be July 29th. I will preach three of the next four weeks, and in the coming days and weeks I will make myself as available as possible for conversations.
Sisters and brothers, let's pray for each other without ceasing.
Holy communion embodies the reality that the Body of Christ is found in community. If our connection is for one moment, for eight years, for decades, "Eternity is going on all the time." Thanks be to God.
Pastor Odette Lockwood-Stewart

From the pulpit and then via Email - July 1, 2012