Ms Paula Classes+SMALL GROUP - Introduction to Montessori
SMALL GROUP - Introduction to Montessori
(practical life, sensorial, grace and courtesy)FOR PRESENT / FORMER MUSIKGARTEN STUDENTS
[Developmental age 2 ½ (potty trained) to five years]
Morning class ( Fri.)—9 to 10:30 am
Afternoon classes (Mon. and Wed.) -- 2:30 to 4 pm
beginning Wed., Sept. 8 and ending Friday, Jan. 28, 2010
(Sept. , Oct., Nov., Jan.) (extra classes will be offered with
December caroling)
Cost: $20 per class – 14 classes ----$280.
Classes missed may be made up on different day
as space is available.
check made to Paula Craig
(Please attach to orange application sheet—one for each child)
Class limit 5.
(If two children in family are enrolled, $25 credit is given.)
(If one child takes classes two days a week, $25 credit is given.)
(When two classes are taken, one half of total bill may be paid
on Sept. 1, one half paid Oct. 1.)