Michael Dobbie in the Bay Area Nov 2011


A note from an activist acquaintance desiring connection during his visit to the Bay Area. 

Hello, I'm a urban neighborhood focused community activist and movement based artist from Seattle interested to meet and learn from other social change makers, artists, storytellers while in the Bay Area in November (from about the 13th to 28th)...I'm doing some work and exploration around the meaning of public space, curious about some new civic media technology and interaction design and would be open to sharing ideas, finding common inspiration and maybe even trying something out?...how about an improvised neighborhood discussion? try some interviews on the street? photo shoot? short video? an improvised (situationist) happening?
Thanks for any connections, thoughts or tips for local events. If anyone is able to put me up for a couple of days or more that would also be great. Check out my profiles below,

Please consider.