Lowe Dissertation+requirements

Requirements for Ph.D

The documents that must be submitted to the ESADE doctoral commission are:

  1. PDF copy of the thesis (it can be either a monograph or a compendium of publications (See annex V and VI)

  2. A copy of the paper accepted in a Journal indexed in the ISI Journal Citations Report

  3. An abstract of the thesis in three languages English, Spanish and Catalan.

  4. The authorization of the supervisor (and co-supervisor if it is the case)

  5. Authorization of the head of the Official Academic Department

  6. The tribunal composition (5 accredited doctors: 3 members and 2 substitutes).

  7. The positive evaluation of the three members of the tribunal.

  8. PhD Candidates who want to apply for the diploma of International doctor, please see annex IV. 


Then, according to the criteria established in the Real Decreto 99/2011, of 28 January published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) num. 35, of February 10th 2011 (Sec.1 p.13909) the Doctoral Thesis will be submitted to the Universitat Ramon Llull, where their Doctoral Committee will have to give its approval for the defence.


The tribunal must have the DAD (Documento de Actividades del Doctorando) document in which all the PhD candidate academic activities are detailed. This document does not lead to a quantitative score but it is an assessment tool that complements the qualitative assessment of the thesis (article 14.3 of Royal Decree 99/2011).


For STYLE information: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e855curfxhzxje3/Style%20recomendation.doc

For a PRESENTATION TEMPLATE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sr29zraq686wfwi/thesis%20presentatio%20template.ppt

For more details: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2jvg4r4pu8aja67/Thesis%20regulations.pdf