Conflict Done Well+overview

Would you like to significantly improve your individual and collaborative results? Improved conflict skills will result in more effective teamwork and creative problem-solving. We are ready to help and everyone is welcome! We can't breathe until everyone can breathe. Black and brown lives matter.

As the public health landscape continues to shift and change, so shall we. We will both continue online classes and have returned to weekly classes in the Dallas/Fort Worth area--taking advantage of video over internet technology and a beautiful dojo in northeastern Texas to meet as Oak Cliff Aikido every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

You are most welcome in person. Please begin by signing our waiver

If you wish to join us online, registration for each session series (Mondays, Wednesdays, etc.) is required so we may get a count and make preparations.

Complete our intake form so we may know a bit more about you.


Please click here to learn more about the Conflict Done Well method.



If you are ready to help sustain our work together and provide it for those with less privilege:
We offer:
  • Weekend Leadership Training, Coaching, and Team Training
  • Corporate Culture, Executive Suite, and Workgroup Initiatives

We are ready to respond to your unique objectives, but will always:

  • Address your specific concerns comprehensively.
  • Set you up for success with demonstrable, understandable, and repeatable principles which will continue to serve you after our work is complete.
  • Establish new expectations and habits, supported by agreements which can be measured to establish impact, deepen understanding for continued growth, and increase compliance with agreed upon rules of engagement with the future in mind.
To learn more, please contact us at (972) 503-6991 or via

Conflict Done Well™ is a proprietary process and phrase belonging to Brandon Williamscraig. Please use the phrase freely, but be sure to ask for permission before using it in any professional context.