BW 20110918-19+Narrative

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I do so enjoy long fabulous conversations with Rosie. Can't wait until I'm able to understand her better. :-)>



What a lovely birthday!

My annual breakfast souffle was particularly fine thanks, as ever, to my gifted spouse.

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Piratical 2011_5576 group

About 35 people came to my Talk Like a Pirate with The Ultimate Answer party beneath Pirate Rock at Wildcat Canyon. Lisa outdid herself once again with bouillabaisse over the wood fire and, over the charcoal fire, chorizo stuffed dates wrapped in bacon as well as chevre-stuffed figs drizzled with balsamic vinegar.



There was an abundance of park all 'round in which younger buckaroos might frolick, swagger, and sword-fight, a princess defended her tiara with the help of a Golden Bear,

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the sails of our diminutive but nonetheless fierce galleon rippled in the wind throughout the fray,

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and we gorged ourselves on fresh coconuts with rum, yummy cupcakes and cake, and hours of good company.

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Piratical 2011_5554




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I scored yet another costume piece for my piratical ensemble, thanks again to Lisa, and am looking forward yet again to next year!