Paula Craig Oct 2011 - Jan 2012 collected



The child falls down in a tantrum of being thwarted,

a passion of frustration,

a fear of being left,

an overwhelmingness of anger,

of  desire exceeding capacity,

in a despair of not being powerful enough.

Wisdom calmly says,  “Here is a place to howl.

Howl all you want.”        Then

“Angry howling will not bring her back.”      Later

“Would you like a tissue?”      and

“You are welcome to sit in my lap.”      Then

“Would you like some juice and a bit of bread?”

(The Means and the proof of Recovery)

Redeemed  by Love we can choose work.

Fed, we can develop ourselves.

This is what Christianity is about.



pcraig     10-19-11


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(after a Dennis Slattery ritual weekend)


Religions are how we express our spiritual opinions.  We pass down generation to generation our opinions , practices, DNA

 –for better or worse-- with them humans build cultures.  At our best we build on, refine, clean up, add to, go deeper into, what we’ve been given, spiraling from the material/literal to the spiritual/metaphorical and back because that is the way our brains are made.  There is a species blueprint.  Perceiving Truth, Beauty, Justice, Compassion is valued regardless of practices, speciewide.  Our wisdom traditions are imbedded in our religions.  (So if you don’t consciously replace one religion with another you risk not transmitting a coherent body of wisdom.)  Our mythologies are the means by which our deeper layers of consciousness are formed and organized.  The archetypes we perceive and play out are how our lives are guided.  Perceiving them is an act of piety.  “God” is  Mystery.



pcraig  12-5-11


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the Christmas Stories are,

about spirit messengers,

about hearing a directive

that’s intuitive, therefore counter.

We call it “spirit” because

it is an ‘other’ way of knowing,

seeing, hearing, feeling – a way

that we can’t analyze, measure,

or control, sometimes even grasp;

but that is cosmically accurate

and I think we like to gasp,

“Fertility in post-menopausal women?”

“Conception without ordinary intercourse?”

“A newborn in a hay box?”

“Overwhelming intellect and universal significance

coming out of dirt poverty and little-town mentality?”

2 x 4s!  to our thick heads to get our attention.

“This is not your usual way of thinking,” it shouts.

“This is a different level of consciousness!” they sing.

“This is a new paradigm, an evolutionary development

we are announcing.”

“Power is not what you think it is,” they flatly state.

“You are slow to comprehend but your Father loves you

anyway.  Come and See!”

The Unfathomable Source of All Life loves us like a baby

and that is Good, good news for all people.

Let’s sing and eat and hug each other and act like angels.

Happy Christmas all year long.   

                                                       ---Love, ms.paula




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I labor over the right shape and wording of passionate poetry
and the computer says,  "Right click to display grammar suggestions."
'Sticks and stones,'  I weep.

pcraig  1-2-12



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          we surmise,

              we extrapolate,

                 we assume,

                    we get a glimpse of & fill in, embroider, guess,

                      hope, imagine, intuit, get the picture, catch sight

                       of the vision, capture the feeling,

                        make it our own, with our tools we make it

                          according to our own specifications, and say,

                                  “I know.”


“After all,” Eeyore says,  “What is knowing?”

Smile.  You’re on Candid Unknowing.


pcraig    1-14-12   6:30 am


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