Ms Paula Pregnancy and Childbirth Advice

On Preparation for Childbearing

Get a cup of tea, your Bible, and read: Genesis 1

Think of how our God has prepared for us, his babies. The Feminine (Divine Sophia, Holy Wisdom) is profoundly experienced when we become the Ground of Being. The whole schema of incarnation is understood in our tissues – in every sensory pathway humans possess. Psyche and soma are manifested from the same continuum. Woman is privileged to Be the environment.

First things first. “In the beginning is God.” 10 min. upon waking every morning in which your mind and body focus solely on adoration of the Source of Love, God’s glorious lovingkindness and beauty, the power and intricacy of Nature that Love has designed to nurture and teach us.

Let yourself be washed by God’s personal love for you. Don’t ask anything, just bask. (This body habit is absolutely essential to your depth as a mother.)

Second – The regulation of light and darkness. Make sure you walk awhile every day; that you get sunlight on, at least, your face and arms (Vit. D). Protect yourself from any sun burning situation. Sleep enough. ..Don’t skimp. Give up other idle pleasures to regulate your metabolism. Listen to your body. Favor the morning hours (babies wake early to nurse). Do vigorous physical work – but ALL work without resentment. (Resentment restricts your blood flow.) When you realize you are resenting, pull it into the light; ask if your Unconscious is giving you a message (many times it is giving you something to clean).

Look for the opportunity or blessing in the task. If this is not forthcoming, turn it over to God and go about your business. Every time you can honestly complete this cycle your psyche grows stronger.

Third – Water, water everywhere. 6 to 8 glasses a day. Do you carry it with you? If you have not done so already extricate yourself from aspartame, sugar drinks, addiction to caffeine (an opportunity to give it up entirely) or alcohol. A glass or two of wine at dinner is a nice benefit, but not more – even at a party. (Kidneys that work well are like money in the bank during pregnancy. Keeps your skin nice, too. Hormones can do weird things to your skin.)

Fourth – Vegetation – Absolutely essential to the emergence of creatures. Increase raw fruits and vegetables to at least 5 raw every day; 3 cooked. Create brilliant salads, tofu marvels, pots of miso with seaweed. (I’d prefer you had J+ rather than store-bought because they aren’t complete.) Seeds, nuts, fish, eggs. (consult a wise woman about red meat and herbs.) Pregnancy is the ideal time to lay the foundation for a whole family’s food habits and a mother’s overall health. (I hope your body is as kind as mine was. With Davy, the doctors were advocating restricting weight gain during pregnancy, which proved to be stupid. I only gained 25 lbs.---baby weighed 7 lbs. 7 ozs. – exact norm, add to that the placenta, 7 lbs. of amniotic fluid and uterine blood, weeks of menstrual flow and full time nursing. So I was left with 102 lbs., an upstairs apt. and iron deficiency. Not a happy story but a useful one with further details. If Mother had been there to look at me, it wouldn’t have gone on so long. With Brandon and Meghan I was smarter; within two weeks of birth I was back to my weight at conception and nursing full time.) Your family stories of food and pregnancy are valuable to you. Collect physical tips from wise women.

Fifth – Setting all the Lights in the right places of governance. Haul out your list of the 7 Deadly Sins and prepare to clean house. They are what we pass to our children like infections. envy, lust, pride, sloth, anger, greed, gluttony Each requires a full letter in itself, but let me use Anger as an example because it is a Biggie. Anger can be a psychic habit (a primary response to the events of daily life). Chronic anger is evidence of an adrenal pattern that is going on in the body. Fear and anger trigger adrenaline flow to the brain causing constriction and expansion of certain blood vessels, changes in digestion, and the amount of blood to the brain. If one has lived in fear and protected herself with anger, her adrenals have learned a response pattern that floods her system with adrenaline whether she is actually being threatened or not. An adrenaline flooded brain is skewed in its balance – it is an emergency biochemistry. And if this emergency pattern is habitual, the whole biochemistry of a woman’s body is affected. The hormonal environment of the fetus has a great impact on its development. The regulation (governance) of adrenaline flow in the mother is of prime concern to the physical and emotional health of children. {Beating their wives when they’re pregnant is a COSMIC stupidity in men. Mythic ignorance} Anger is not only a deadly sin because it eats up your soul, but because it screws up your baby’s chemistry.

Sixth – Creatures and fruitfulness.  Getting ready, nesting, sewing blankets and diaper shirts, exulting in feeling at one with every mothering creature, outside and inside growing, producing ---not because you are smart or have achieved anything on your own, but because you are one with the Universe. A resounding Yes! that does not need: $300 baby beds, walkers, jumpers, bouncers, plastic toys by the car load, 4 kinds of formula, designer clothes-car seats-strollers-disposable diapers-mountains of hyped-up junk. Spend your money on growing wise: take Lamaze classes early in pregnancy, keep a journal, read Montague, Montessori, Ornstein; fashion things with your hands that are simple and prayed over. What babies need are mothers healthy in spirit and body; fathers who are humble hard workers; an atmosphere of joy and very basic physical stuff: consistent adults who have time to rock, sing, and talk to them; mothers who nurse for a year; skin time with fathers who protect and adore; a clean floor to play on; clean, comfy clothes; regular baths; simple sensory toys; a warm home; fresh air; time watching you work and time by themselves; dependable parents who love each other; an extended family that lets them know from the beginning the bounty that they come from.

Seventh – Rest – Because God has made it all and it is very good. We are hardwired for all of this; so there isn’t any big need for anxiety. Men are made to cleave to their wives and women are designed to have babies. Relax and enjoy. God will give us what we need – not always what we expect, but what we need. Just ask and be prepared to receive the blessing.

Paula Craig - Fall 2003