Huston David born

March 14, 2013

Through last night, Lisa was troubled by what she thought were the same old Braxton-Hicks contractions. I drew her a warm bath this morning around 6:30 to try to help ease the pressure, as she insisted that these were high contractions to encourage the baby to drop and were non-progressive. After making everyone breakfast, as I do every day, Lisa sent me off to work, despite the discomfort she was feeling. At 11:30 she called me back home, even though we both thought this might be a dry run, because it would be a good opportunity to really finish getting ready. At some point while I was on my way, she sensed a change in intensity and alerted our most excellent midwives. I was on the scene by 11:50. I began madly moving stuff to try to clear the space in which we had intended to set up the birth tub, until her water broke at 12:15 and we abandoned the idea that there would be time for the tub. She climbed into the dry bath tub and at 12:20 allowed as how the baby's head was about to appear. I climbed in to the dry tub too. Sure enough, Huston David's head was soon resting in my hands, his position a bit anterior. I made sure the cord was not around his neck and asked if Lisa thought she might breathe regularly and give a bit of a push. She thought not, but did anyway. Between 1 and 2 minutes later 8lbs 14oz and 21.5" of Huston wriggled out and immediately voiced doubts about the quality of his treatment thus far. I held him on my chest while I looked to see if there might be any things amiss and visible only from my vantage and, finding none, delivered Huston to his Mama's warm embrace. I then called our midwife, Dana, who asked several questions, directed me to put a sterile pad between Lisa and the tub in order to receive the placenta, and congratulated us thoroughly before returning to her driving. The Dana and Claudette Team arrived very quickly, I cut the cord, together we took care of all related business, and before long we were weighing, measuring, trimming nails (long!), admiring curly black hair (lots!), introducing Rosalie to her little brother, and cuddling. More to come on this page, when the opportunity presents itself.


Thanks SO much to all those who brought us food. It made all the difference!

Fr Mar 15 Albee-Goods' chicken, mash and salad

Sa 16 Cathy and Meagan Travlos' black bean chili with corn bread

Su 17 Christina Kellogg

Mo 18 Jodi Gill

We 20 Feder-Black Family 10am Mediterranean food

Su 24 Leslie Zeitler's fab chicken soup

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Dana Fox LM and Claudette Coughenour CPM of


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