ABC renewal 2011

A non-profit I co-founded and co-directed with most excellent and compassionate people, and with which I now volunteer as the last of the Board seems to be fading away, could have a rather bright future and make meaningful and enduring contributions if it were to be gifted with new blood and a better balance of energy. As jobs continue to be hard to find in an environment where many qualified and compassionate people are looking for meaningful work, now might be the perfect time to restore a welcoming community venue for local needs and dreams (including yours) to be incubated and find support. Would you consider attending a facilitated gathering some evening in the next week or so in order to invite individuals to form a new core group for Association Building Community ( Do you know anybody who might have an interest in participating in a group where their facilitation skills would improve and they would have access to all that goes along with non-profit status? People of all colors, shapes, sizes, dispositions, and orientations are more than differences are deeply desired and valued.

Offering no pressure or obligation,



"John Mabry" <, "Odette Lockwood-Stewart" <, "Michael Mansfield" <, "Angela Sevin" <, "Carol Swann" <, "Kayla Feder" <, "Justin Gordon" <, "Lindsey Kerr" <, "Lisa Fullam" <, "Don McClure" <, "Joe Good" <, "Joanie Albee-Good" <, "Jeffrey Hohenstein" <, "Ed Correia" <,