A day is not right in the Universe unless it begins with your Word;
it waits for me and opens my eyes to essential life.
B eginning with the dawn your word is opened to me like the sky,
when I have the strength to see the glory.
C arefully, how carefully, the words that carry spirit have been preserved;
caressed and treasured, they have been passed down to me with love.
D on’t let me wander from your word blinded by pain or despair;
write it on my mind’s eye for Love’s sake.
E very day lace my work and my leisure with your word and its power;
even my night thoughts, thread with your word.
F ailings distract me, your words call me back;
focus me on the word within the Word.
G oodness is our portion, our structure, our word;
genes of goodness God’s grand gift without condition.
H ear the word, my heart, chapter and verse, story and song,
lively and lying still, surface and darkest depth.
I , the Beloved, would be ever mindful of the enormity of your gift of
words; filled to overflowing with this gift of joy.
J ust at this time, just in this place, let me hear your words again;
renewed, refreshed, surprising in their truth.
K indle in my center the little fire; scratch the matchless scripture
and ignite in me your vision.
L ove itself comes to me through the doorway of your words
caressing my ears, touching my nerves, dancing before my eyes.
M emory climbs around on the hard rocks of commands, the gravel of
interpretation, the gemstones of poetry, the porphyry of meanings.
N othing silly, nothing sentimental is there in your scripture to muddy
my meditation; no cloying chatter impedes the arrow of your word.
O nly let me hear you in the word; not the I that twists the view, that
changes the rhythm and leads me away; only you.
P eople carry your blessed word to me in doublehandsful, between
strong covers or falling out of pockets unheeded.
Q uicken me to sense the coming, to value the carrier, to recognize
the import, to act on your direction.
R eveal the mysteries of your words; how careful you are to regulate my
reality; how respectful of my sluggishness.
S aved from many stupidities by the sharing of your wisdom;
the shaping of my soul is by your word.
T he terrifying truth lays so quietly on the page; tongues tell and turn,
trickling in and out. Truth reposes and waits.
U ni God, the One word encompasses all our ideas, possibilities and
shadows; Uni way beyond our verse.
V ery God of very God, your ritual words shape our community like
stones from the river are smoothed in the stream of the spirit.
W eaving in your boundaries the warp of truth, the weft of love
you made the fabric of words that cradle us in hope.
X -ray my intentions, Lord; expose my painful meanness so that I
won’t betray the pure beauty and vitality of your word.
Y ou are the Center, the Force, the Detail, the Joy, the Cohesion,
the Point, the Reason----You are the Word.
Z eal for your word is the touchstone of my life.
pcraig 8-19-05