This is your own custom menu. Upon signing in, each user sees their own in their sidebar. You may edit it to have whatever you like at your fingertips, and only you will see it automatically. Often, people add links here to cards that interest them, as they may anywhere on this site. They do so by typing the names of the card and then putting double brackets around it. You could also embed/include cards so they appear, either open or closed, in their entirety by using surrounding the card name with double gullwings . Included cards may be one of many different types used for all manner of design tasks, including displaying images or embedding HTML code for other sites, Twitter feeds, etc. You could also simply paste in your favorite quote in this area and leave it at that :-)
Just double-click any text to edit it. If you can't edit, you are not signed in or do not have permission in this particular case.
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