Here's the Free Aiki Dojo and Golden Bears Aikido training schedule for this week of 2/10/2014.
Monday 12pm-1pm on campus will feature weapons training on Faculty Glade. Bring bokken and jo if you have them. We have extras if you don't.
Tuesday at 1514 University Ave
Free Aiki Dojo classes are from 6:30-8:30pm at our host dojo, Aikido of Berkeley, at 1514 University Ave.
From 6-6:30 you are welcome to an informal warm-up and Q&A session.
6:30-7:30 is a basics class w Brandon Sensei, and 7:30-8:30 is a general class with Kayla Sensei.
This is an excellent evening to get to know a large cross-section of people in our training community.
Wednesday at 1514 University Ave
7am -8am is at 1514 University Ave. There is no better way to start your day!
Thursday on campus
10:00 - 11:00 PM The Late Night Thursday class is in Hearst Gym 237 with Rob Sempai.
Friday at 1514 University Ave
2:30pm-4:30pm at 1514 University Ave.
Saturday at 1514 University Ave
10:30am - 12pm is at 1514 University with Ricardo Sempai this week.
I look forward to training with you!
Brandon Sensei
Some maps for locations: Aiki Dojo (hosted by Aikido of Berkeley)
1514 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94703
As always, no previous experience is necessary.
Pay what you can. If you can't, don't. Really.
Always train, no matter what. Bring your friends.
Please set up an automatic donation for whatever you can afford
through our non-profit partner, Association Building Community,
If you haven't checked out the Facebook Group James just kicked off, by all means go to