Journalists quote sources in law enforcement, saying that the murders were planned for months. Let’s open that plan up a bit and have a look at the story from an imaginal perspective. The Shooter fantasizes while preparing to booby-trap his apartment in a sophisticated while ordering

3,000 rounds of handgun ammunition, 3,000 rounds for an assault rifle and 350 shells for a 12-gauge shotgun—an amount of firepower that costs roughly $3,000 at the online sites—in the four months before the shooting, according to the police. It was pretty much as easy as ordering a book from Amazon.[i]

Here we could imagine aspects of The Shooter: The Shooter as hunter, as defender, as enthusiast. Such roles are near at hand; however, they do not find congruence in the event of this incident; they are false flags. It is The Villain who is the character on display. Official and unofficial reports suggest that Holmes’ orange hair is a tribute in dye to The Joker character from the world of The Batman, and that he identified himself as The Joker to police. Cartoon themes are firmly established and fantasy is explicitly drawn into our consideration. Continuing to his Adult Friend Finder profile, it becomes clear that The Joker fetish is part of his fantasy sexual life as well.


Holmes surrendered to the police rather mildly, by all reports, which has fuelled speculation about government and other conspiracies. Whatever the reason, the result is that he was not killed and is now participating in the next phases of what he surely knew would happen. Holmes has calculated, wanting to be The Evil Genius. One police officer suggested “Phase Two” involved the explosion of his apartment to kill law enforcement officers, but Holmes clearly thought better of that and notified law enforcement of the danger. Instead, Phase Two has become a predictably sensational trial. If this actually were a comic book or graphic novel (soon to be made into a blockbuster movie), the neuro-science prodigy too advanced to be held back by conventional doctoral work would next undergo a chrysalis period in prison. Death Row would add even more infamous credibility. Then he would slip by the justice of the state either through escape or by the insanity defense. Through threat, bribery, or inexplicable parole, he would become free again to commit more specific and grandiose crimes. That’s how it works in comic books, at any rate.

[i] Healy, Jack. “Online Ammunition Sales Highlighted by Aurora Shootings.” The New York Times, July 22, 2012, sec. U.S.