A collection of messages were created for Aiki Peace Week by internationally known aikido and process arts practitioners, translated into several languages, and dispatched by Robert Kent, the President of Aiki Extensions. His emails are reproduced and collected here: http://culturesmith.com/wagn/Aiki_Peace_Week_2010_Dispatches
From: Robert Kent 2010/9/20 - International Aiki Peace Week - Day One
Hello everyone - we couldn’t be happier that 330 dojos from 43 countries are sharing their Aikido with the public this week and teaching people how to live better and more peaceful lives.
Shortly after September 11, 2001, I wrote about what we, as aikidoka, can bring to the world conflict resolution stage. The thoughts are as relevant now, 9 years later, as they were after that fateful day. In honor of International Aiki Peace Week, I offer these thoughts:
Only when we are centered will we be guided to the most effective actions without injuring or implicating the innocent.We can breathe deeply and bring our awareness to center, to gain the courage and ability to let go of judgment, prejudice, and righteousness.
We can walk a new path to lead humanity to higher ground. Criminals and terrorists are grown in a soil created by revenge, fear and separation. We can plant our feet in soil based on tough love and centered connection.
We can make it our mission to listen actively to each other, to lend our prayers and our helping hands to others, and to seek and appreciate the gift of being together.
We can be centered in the possibility of ending the cycle of violence forever. In our own actions and conversations we can help others be aware that force follows force blindly, causing a never-ending cycle of suffering and revenge throughout the ages.
Our greatest contribution toward humanity lies ahead of us. May we get centered and embrace it.
Thomas Crum
Aiki Works, Inc.
Teach Aikido Around the World -- Support Fledgling Dojos in Other Countries
Travel for Fun and Contribute to Aikido’s Mission
Aiki Extensions provides a global matching service for developing dojos that are in need of experienced teachers and committed, experienced yudansha who enjoy both teaching and travel. We want to hear from sensei’s and dojos who want the support of visiting teachers with expertise. And we want to hear from interested, mature Yudansha who’d like to volunteer such support for a long weekend, a week or an even more extended period.
We’ll screen and match the interested parties, introduce them to each other and provide guidance regarding funding, travel and living logistics and training design. We have conducted successful Aiki Corps projects in San Francisco, Ethiopia, Switzerland, and Brazil. Join us for an adventure in collaboration and contribution across borders. For further information regarding Aiki Corps contact aikicorps@aiki-extensions.org
English to French translation
Bonjour tout le monde - nous ne pouvions pas être plus heureux que 330 dojos de 43 pays mettent en commun leurs Aïkido avec le public cette semaine, et enseigner aux gens comment vivre mieux et plus une vie paisible.
Chaque jour cette semaine, je vais partager un court message d'inspiration à partir d'un chef de file dans l'effort de partager la vision OSensei sur le monde comme une seule famille avec un public plus large. Le message d'aujourd'hui vient de Tom Crum Sensei du Colorado, auteur de La Magie de conflit, les nouveaux conflits livre de recettes, trois grandes respirations, et Voyage au Centre (lien Amazon), un chef de file des personnels et des ateliers d'affaires et pionnier dans le genre de travail queExtensions Aiki existe afin de promouvoir.
Dans ses propres mots:
Peu de temps après le 11 Septembre 2001, j'ai écrit un article sur ce que nous, aïkidoka, peut apporter à l'étape de la résolution des conflits du monde. Les pensées sont aussi pertinents aujourd'hui, 9 ans plus tard, comme ils étaient, après ce jour fatidique. En l'honneur de la Semaine internationale de la paix Aiki, je vous offre ces réflexions:
Ce n'est que lorsque nous sommes centrés allons-nous être guidés vers les actions les plus efficaces, sans blesser ou impliquant des innocents.
Nous pouvons respirer profondément et apporter notre prise de conscience du centre, pour obtenir le courage et la capacité à lâcher du jugement, les préjugés, et la justice.
On peut marcher une nouvelle voie pour conduire l'humanité à un terrain plus élevé.Les criminels et les terroristes sont cultivées dans un sol créé par la vengeance, la peur et la séparation. Nous pouvons planter nos pieds dans le sol basée sur l'amour difficile et centrée sur le cadre.
Nous pouvons rendre notre mission d'écouter activement les uns aux autres, à apporter nos prières et nos coups de main aux autres et à rechercher et à apprécier le don d'être ensemble.
Nous pouvons être centrée sur la possibilité de mettre fin au cycle de la violence pour toujours. Dans nos propres actions et les conversations que nous pouvons aider les autres à être conscients que la force suit aveuglément vigueur, entraînant un cycle sans fin de la souffrance et de vengeance à travers les âges.
Notre plus grande contribution à l'humanité se trouve devant nous. Pouvons-nous obtenir centré et l'embrasser.
Thomas Crum
Aiki Works, Inc
Nous voulons encourager chacun à tirer le meilleur parti de l'Aiki Semaine de la paix en prenant beaucoup de photos et vidéo que vous pouvez commencer à transférer à notre page Facebook, la Semaine de la paix Aiki groupe Google, ainsi bien sûr que votre propre site. Si vous avez des problèmes de l'affichage des images ou des fichiers vidéo à Facebook, envoyez-nous un e-mail et peut-être nous pouvons vous aider à résoudre le problème.
Si vous êtes le type qui se préoccupe de telles choses, nous avons transféré au groupe google une photo de l'échantillon / décharge de vidéo que vous pouvez choisir de demander aux participants de signer, afin que l'on sache clairement le fait que ces images sont destinées à partager largement. Le formulaire est écrit pour les États-Unis, où ces formes sont communes - vous pouvez bien pensez que vous n'avez pas besoin. S'il vous plaît noter que nous espérons mettre sur pied un vidéo et diaporama célébrer les classes nombreuses et merveilleuses qui ont eu lieu au cours de l'Aiki Semaine de la paix cette année dans le cadre de l'effort d'avoir dojos encore plus rejoindre pour l'an prochain - et nous allons supposer que si vous nous direautrement que les photos et vidéo publiée sur le groupe facebook sont disponibles pour cette utilisation non-commerciale.
Je suis également, dans chaque message quotidien cette semaine, va profil d'une Aiki Extensions programme - afin que vous puissiez savoir qui nous sommes et peut-être pourquoi vous ou les membres de votre dojo peut-être envie de rejoindre (Bien que la cotisation annuelle pour les extensions proposées Aiki membres est de 50 $ pour les particuliers et 100 $ pour dojos, nous avons un «payez ce que vous pouvez cotisation" et accepter tout le monde. Toutes les cotisations vont directement au soutien de nos différents programmes - tous les postes de direction sont occupés par des bénévoles et des AE a juste une mi-temps payés membre du personnel administratif).
profil de programme d'aujourd'hui est pour le Corps Aiki:
Enseigner l'Aïkido dans le monde - Dojos Fledgling de soutien dans d'autres pays
Voyage pour le plaisir et contribuer à la mission de l'Aïkido
Extensions Aiki offre un service global de contrepartie pour le développement dojos qui sont dans le besoin d'enseignants expérimentés et engagés, yudansha expérimentés qui apprécient à la fois l'enseignement et de Voyage. Nous voulons entendre parler de sensei et dojos qui veulent le soutien de professeurs invités avec expertise. Et nous voulons entendre intéressés, mature Yudansha qui aimeraient faire du bénévolat un tel soutien pour un long week-end, une semaine ou une période encore plus longue.
Nous l'écran et correspondre aux parties intéressées, les présenter les uns aux autres et donner des directives concernant le financement, la conception et de la logistique Voyage de vie et de la formation. Nous avons mené avec succès des projets du Corps Aiki à San Francisco, l'Éthiopie, la Suisse et le Brésil. Rejoignez-nous pour une aventure dans la collaboration et la contribution à travers les frontières. Pour de plus amples renseignements au sujet Aiki Corps contact aikicorps@aiki-extensions.org
Nous espérons que vous avez un jour merveilleux, et sont heureux de me joindre à vous pour célébrer la première édition du International Aiki Semaine de la paix.
Bien à vous en Aiki,
Kent Robert, président
Extensions Aiki Inc
Extensions Aiki est un réseau à but non lucratif des pratiquants d'aïkido qui prennent principes aiki en dehors du tapis et dans le monde dans des domaines comme la prévention de la violence des jeunes, conseil K-12 de résolution des conflits programmes d'affaires, la psychothérapie, et israélo-palestinien programmes de paix.Extensions Aiki est également leader dans le monde entier le respect de la Semaine internationale de la paix Aiki - Pour en savoir plus http://www.aikipeaceweek.org
English to German translation
Hallo an alle - wir könnten nicht glücklicher sein, dass 330 Dojos aus 43 Ländern tauschen ihre Aikido mit der Öffentlichkeit in dieser Woche und die Menschen lehren, wie man besser leben und friedlicheren Leben.
Jeder Tag dieser Woche werde ich einen kurzen Austausch inspirierende Botschaft von einem Marktführer in den Bemühungen um OSensei Vision der Welt als eine Familie Aktie mit einem breiteren Publikum. Die heutige Nachricht kommt von Tom Crum Sensei of Colorado, Autor von "The Magic of Conflict, The New Conflict Cookbook, drei tiefe Atemzüge und Journey to Center (Amazon-Link), ein führender Anbieter von persönlichen und geschäftlichen Workshops und Pionier in der Art von Arbeit, Aiki Extensions besteht zu fördern.
In seinen eigenen Worten:
Kurz nach dem 11. September 2001, schrieb ich über das, was wir als Aikidoka, die Welt zu Konfliktlösung Bühne zu bringen. Die Gedanken sind jetzt als relevant, 9 Jahre später, als sie nach diesem schicksalhaften Tag. Zu Ehren des International Peace Aiki Woche biete ich diese Gedanken:
Nur wenn wir zentriert sind wir, um die wirksamsten Maßnahmen, ohne sie zu verletzen oder Verwicklung der unschuldigen geführt werden.
Wir können durchatmen und bringen unser Bewusstsein zu zentrieren, um den Mut und die Fähigkeit, loslassen Urteil, Vorurteil zu gewinnen, und die Gerechtigkeit.
Wir können gehen einen neuen Weg für die Menschheit auf eine höhere Ebene führen. Kriminelle und Terroristen sind in einem Boden durch Rache angelegt, Angst und Trennung gewachsen. Wir können unsere Füße im Boden auf der Grundlage harter Liebe und zentriert Verbindung Pflanze.
Wir machen es uns zur Aufgabe, aktiv hören einander zu, um unsere Gebete zu verleihen und unsere helfende Hände für andere, und zu suchen und schätzen die Gabe des Zusammenseins.
Wir können in der Möglichkeit der Beendigung des Kreislaufs der Gewalt für immer zentriert werden. In unseren eigenen Aktionen und Gespräche, die wir anderen helfen können, bewusst sein, dass Kraft Kraft folgt blindlings, was zu einem nie endenden Kreislauf des Leidens und der Rache durch die Jahrhunderte.
Unser größter Beitrag zur Menschheit vor uns liegt. Dürfen wir Sie zentriert und sie umarmen.
Thomas Crum
Aiki Works, Inc.
Wir möchten alle ermutigen, das Beste aus Aiki Peace Woche, indem sie jede Menge Bilder und Videos, die Sie starten das Hochladen auf unserer Facebook-Seite bekommen können, die Aiki Peace Woche Google-Gruppe, sowie natürlich als Ihrer eigenen Website. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Probleme haben, die Buchung der Bilder oder Video-Dateien auf Facebook, schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail und wir können vielleicht helfen, das Problem zu lösen.
Wenn Sie der Typ, der über solche Dinge Sorgen sind, haben wir auf die Google-Gruppe mit einer Stichprobe Foto / Video-Release Formular können Sie wählen, haben die Teilnehmer zu unterschreiben, so dass es Klarheit über die Tatsache, diese Bilder für den Austausch allgemein bestimmt sind, können hochgeladen. Die Form ist für die USA, wo diese Formen sind häufig geschrieben - man kann wohl fühlen Sie nicht brauchen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir zusammen ein Video-und Dia Show feiert die Hoffnung, viele wunderbare Klassen, die sich während Aiki Peace Woche fand in diesem Jahr als Teil der Bemühungen um noch mehr Dojos im nächsten Jahr beitreten - und wir vermuten, es sei denn, die du uns erzählenansonsten, dass Fotos und Videos auf die Facebook-Gruppe gepostet werden, dass für nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung zur Verfügung.
Ich freue mich auch, in jeder täglichen Meldung in dieser Woche, werde zu einem Aiki-Extensions-Programm-Profil - damit Sie wissen, wer wir sind und warum Sie möglicherweise oder Mitglieder Ihres Dojo könnten beitreten wollen (Während die vorgeschlagene Jahresbeitrag für die Mitgliedschaft Aiki Extensions ist 50 $ für Einzelpersonen und $ 100 für Dojos, haben wir eine "bezahlen, was du kannst" Mitgliedsbeitrag und akzeptieren alle. Alle Mitgliedsbeiträge direkt zu unterstützen unseren verschiedenen Programmen - alle Führungspositionen von Freiwilligen ausgefüllt und AE hat nur eine Teilzeitbeschäftigung gezahlt administrative Mitarbeiter).
Das heutige Programm ist für das Profil Aiki Corps:
Teach Aikido Around the World - Support Fledgling Dojos in anderen Ländern
Travel for Fun und dazu beitragen, Aikido's Mission
Aiki Extensions bietet eine globale Matching-Service für die Entwicklung von Dojos, die in Not von erfahrenen Lehrern und engagierten, erfahrenen yudansha, die sowohl für den Unterricht und Reise genießen können. Wir wollen von Sensei's und Dojos, die der Unterstützung von Gastdozenten mit Know-how wollen hören. Und wir wollen von interessierten, reife Yudansha, die gerne eine solche Unterstützung für ein langes Wochenende, eine Woche oder einen noch längeren Zeitraum freiwillig würde hören.
Wir Bildschirm und entsprechen den Beteiligten, führen sie sich gegenseitig und geben Hinweise in Bezug auf Finanzierung, Reise-und Lebenshaltungskosten Logistik und Ausbildung Design. Wir haben erfolgreiche Projekte Aiki Corps in San Francisco durchgeführt, Äthiopien, der Schweiz und Brasilien. Begleiten Sie uns auf ein Abenteuer in Zusammenarbeit und den Beitrag über die Grenzen hinweg. Für weitere Informationen bezüglich Aiki Corps Kontakt aikicorps@aiki-extensions.org
Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Tag und freuen uns mit Ihnen feiern den ersten jährlichen International Peace Aiki Woche anzuschließen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen in Aiki,
Robert Kent, Präsident
Aiki Extensions Inc.
Aiki Extensions ist ein gemeinnütziges Netzwerk von Aikido-Praktizierende, die Prinzipien Aiki nehmen von der Matte und in die Welt in Bereichen wie Jugend-Gewaltprävention, K-12 Konfliktlösung Lehrpläne, betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung, Psychotherapie und israelisch-palästinensischen Friedens-Programme. Aiki Extensions führt auch die weltweite Beachtung der International Peace Aiki Woche - Erfahren Sie mehr unter http://www.aikipeaceweek.org
English to Portuguese translation
Olá a todos - nós não poderíamos estar mais felizes que 330 dojos de 43 países estão compartilhando suas Aikido com o público esta semana, e ensinar as pessoas como viver melhor e uma vida mais pacífica.
Cada dia da semana, vou estar compartilhando uma mensagem curta de inspiração de um líder no esforço para compartilhar OSensei visão de mundo de uma família com um público mais vasto. A mensagem de hoje vem de Tom Crum Sensei do Colorado, autora de The Magic of Conflict, The New Conflict Cookbook, três respirações profundas, e Journey to Center (link Amazonas), líder do pessoal e workshops de negócios e pioneiro no tipo de trabalho que Extensões Aiki existe para promover.
Em suas próprias palavras:
Pouco depois de 11 setembro de 2001, eu escrevi sobre o que nós, como aikidoka, pode trazer para o palco mundial resolução de conflitos. Os pensamentos são tão relevantes hoje, nove anos mais tarde, como eles foram depois daquele dia fatídico.Em homenagem a Semana da Paz Internacional de Aiki, ofereço estas reflexões:
Somente quando estamos centrados seremos guiados para as ações mais eficazes, sem ferir ou implicando inocentes.
Podemos respirar fundo e trazer a nossa consciência para o centro, para ganhar a coragem ea capacidade de deixar ir de julgamento, o preconceito ea justiça.
Podemos caminhar um novo caminho para conduzir a humanidade para terrenos mais elevados. Criminosos e terroristas são cultivadas em um solo criado por vingança, medo e separação. Podemos plantar os pés no solo baseado no amor dura e centrada conexão.
Nós podemos fazer isso nossa missão de ouvir ativamente uns aos outros, para dar as nossas orações e nossos ajudando as mãos aos outros, e procurar e apreciar o dom de estar juntos.
Podemos estar centrada na possibilidade de terminar o ciclo de violência para sempre. Em nossas próprias ações e conversas, podemos ajudar os outros a estar ciente de que a força segue cegamente força, causando um ciclo interminável de sofrimento e de vingança ao longo dos tempos.
Nossa maior contribuição para a humanidade está à frente de nós. Que possamos ficar centrado e abraçá-la.
Thomas Crum
Aiki Works, Inc.
Queremos incentivar a todos para tirar o máximo proveito do Aiki Semana da Paz, tendo muitas fotos e vídeo que você pode começar a enviar para a nossa página no Facebook, a Semana da Paz Aiki Google Group, além é claro de seu próprio site. Se você tiver qualquer problema postando as imagens ou arquivos de vídeo no Facebook, envie-nos um email e talvez possamos ajudar a resolver o problema.
Se você é do tipo que se preocupa com essas coisas, nós enviados para o grupo google uma foto da amostra / forma de liberação de vídeo que você pode optar por receber os participantes sinal para que haja clareza sobre o fato de essas imagens serem compartilhados amplamente. O formulário é escrito para os E.U., onde estas formas são comuns - você pode sentir que você não precisa de um. Por favor note que esperamos montar um vídeo e slide show celebrando a muitas aulas maravilhosas que aconteceram durante Aiki Semana da Paz deste ano como parte do esforço para ter dojos unir ainda mais para o próximo ano - e vamos supor, a menos que nos dizem de outra forma que fotos e vídeos postados para o grupo de Facebook estão disponíveis para que o uso não-comercial.
Eu também estou, em cada mensagem diária, esta semana, indo para um perfil Aiki programa Extensions - para que você possa saber quem somos e, possivelmente, por que você ou membros de seu dojo pode querer juntar-se (enquanto membros da quota anual sugerida para as Extensões de Aiki é de R $ 50 para indivíduos e US $ 100 para dojos, temos a "pagar o que você pode taxa de adesão" e aceitar todos. Todas as taxas de afiliação ir diretamente para apoiar os vários programas - todos os cargos executivos são ocupados por voluntários e AE tem apenas um part-time paga agente administrativo).
perfil do programa de hoje é para o Corpo de Aikido:
Ensinar Aikido ao Redor do Mundo - Dojos Fledgling Suporte em Outros Países
Viagens para o divertimento e contribuir para a missão do Aikido
Extensões Aiki fornece um serviço global de correspondência para o desenvolvimento de dojos que necessitam de professores experientes e comprometidos, yudansha experientes que gostam de ensinar e de viagens.Queremos ouvir de sensei e dojos que querem o apoio de visitar professores com especialização. E queremos ouvir de interessados, Yudansha maduros que gostaria de voluntários de apoio, para uma longa semana, uma semana ou um período ainda mais alargado.
Nós tela e combinar as partes interessadas, introduzi-los uns aos outros e fornecer orientações sobre financiamento, design e logística de viagens de vida e formação.Realizamos projetos bem sucedidos de Aiki Corps, em San Francisco, na Etiópia, Suíça e Brasil. Junte-nos para uma aventura em colaboração e contribuição para além das fronteiras. Para mais informações sobre Aiki contato Corps aikicorps@aiki-extensions.org
Esperamos que você tenha um dia maravilhoso e estamos felizes de participar com vocês para comemorar o primeiro anual Aiki International Peace Week.
Seu em Aiki,
Robert Kent, presidente
Extensões Aiki Inc.
Extensões Aiki é uma rede sem fins lucrativos de praticantes de aikido que tomam os princípios do Aiki fora do tatame e no mundo em áreas como a prevenção da violência juvenil, K-12 currículos de resolução de conflitos de consultoria empresarial, psicoterapia, e Israel / programas de paz palestino. Extensões Aiki é também líder mundial da International observância Aiki Semana da Paz - Saiba mais em http://www.aikipeaceweek.org
English to Polish translation
Witam wszystkich - nie możemy być zadowoleni, że 330 dojo z 43 krajów dzielą ich Aikido ze społeczeństwem w tym tygodniu i ludzi nauki, jak żyć lepiej i spokojnego życia.
Każdego dnia w tym tygodniu, będę podziału krótki inspirujące przesłanie liderem w wysiłku do udziału w wizji OSensei świata jako jednej rodziny z szerszą publicznością. Wiadomość Dzisiaj pochodzi z Tom Crum Sensei of Colorado, autor The Magic of Conflict, nowy konflikt Cookbook, trzech głębokich oddechów, a podróż do centrum (link amazon), lider osobowych i warsztaty biznesowe i pionierem w rodzaju pracy Rozszerzenia Aiki istnieje w celu promowania.
W jego własnych słowach:
Wkrótce po 11 września 2001, pisałem o tym, co my, aikido, może doprowadzić do światowego konfliktu etapie rozdzielczości. Myśli są równie ważna, 9 lat później, gdyż były one po tej pamiętnego dnia. Z okazji Międzynarodowego Tygodnia Pokoju Aiki, ofiaruję te myśli:
Tylko wtedy, gdy jesteśmy w środku będziemy kierować do działań najbardziej skutecznych bez ranienia lub stawiające zarzuty niewinnych.
Możemy oddychać głęboko i doprowadzić do centrum naszej świadomości, odwagę i zdolność do puścić wyroku, narusza i sprawiedliwości.
Możemy iść nową drogą doprowadzić ludzkość do wyższej ziemi. Przestępcy i terroryści są hodowane w glebie Wykonawca zemsty, strachu i separacji. Możemy roślin nogi w glebie w oparciu o miłość i trudne wokół związku.
Możemy zrobić to nasza misja, aby słuchać aktywnie do siebie, do udzielenia nasze modlitwy i nasze ręce do pomocy innych, poszukiwanie i docenić dar bycia razem.
Możemy być w środku możliwość zakończenia cyklu przemocy na zawsze. W naszych własnych działań i rozmów możemy pomóc innym mieć świadomość, że życie w następujący sposób życie na oślep, powodując nieustanne cykl cierpienia i zemsta na przestrzeni wieków.
Nasz największy wkład w stronę ludzkości leży przed nami. Możemy się wokół i zaakceptować.
Thomas Crum
Aiki Works, Inc
Chcemy zachęcić wszystkich, aby uzyskać jak najwięcej z Aiki Peace Week w drodze mnóstwo zdjęć i filmów, które możesz rozpocząć przesyłanie plików na naszej stronie Facebook, Aiki Peace Week Google Group, jak i rzecz jasna własną stronę internetową. Jeśli masz jakieś problemy z przesyłaniem zdjęć lub plików wideo na Facebook, napisz do nas e-mail i być może będziemy mogli pomóc rozwikłać ten problem.
Jeśli jesteś typem, który martwi się o takich rzeczach, które uznaliśmy przesłane do grupy dyskusyjnej Google zdjęcie próbki / form prasowa wideo może wybrać opcję uczestników znak tak że nie ma jasności co do faktu, że te zdjęcia są przeznaczone do dzielenia się szeroko. Formularz jest przeznaczony dla USA, gdzie te formy są wspólne - może dobrze czujesz, nie wymagają. Należy pamiętać, że mamy nadzieję, że ułożyła wideo i pokaz slajdów z okazji wiele wspaniałych zajęć, które odbyły się podczas Tygodnia Pokoju Aiki w tym roku w ramach starań, aby jeszcze bardziej dojo dołączyć w przyszłym roku - i będziemy zakładać, chyba nam powiedzieć inny sposób, że zdjęcia i filmy wysłana do grupy facebook, że są dostępne dla niekomercyjnego użytku.
Jestem również w codziennej wiadomości w tym tygodniu, będzie profil jednego programu Aiki Extensions - tak aby można było wiedzieć, kim jesteśmy i ewentualnie dlaczego lub członkowie jego dojo może chcesz dołączyć (ile proponowane rocznych należności za członkostwo Rozszerzenia Aiki wynosi $ 50 dla osób fizycznych i 100 dolarów za dojo, mamy "zapłacić, co możesz" opłaty członkowskiej i zaakceptowanie wszystkich. Wszystkie składek członkowskich bezpośrednio do wspierania naszych różnych programów - wszystkie stanowiska kierownicze są obsadzone przez ochotników i AE ma tylko jeden w niepełnym wymiarze godzinwypłacane pracownik administracyjny).
Dzisiejszy profil program jest dla Aiki Korpus:
Aikido Teach Around the World - dojo raczkujący Wsparcie w innych krajach
Podróży dla zabawy i przyczynić się do Misja Aikido
Aiki przewiduje rozszerzenia globalnego dopasowania usług do rozwoju dojo, że potrzebują doświadczonych nauczycieli i zaangażowanych, doświadczonych yudansha którzy korzystają zarówno nauczania i podróży. Chcemy usłyszeć od sensei i dojo, którzy chcą wsparcia wizyty nauczycieli z doświadczeniem. I chcemy usłyszeć od zainteresowanych, starsze Yudansha, którzy chcieliby pracować jako wolontariusze wsparcia na długi weekend, tydzień lub okres jeszcze bardziej rozszerzone.
Będziemy ekran i zgodny z zainteresowanymi stronami, wprowadzić je do siebie i wytyczne dotyczące finansowania projektu podróży i pobytu logistyki i szkolenia.Przeprowadziliśmy udane projekty Aiki Korpusu w San Francisco, Etiopia, Szwajcarii i Brazylii. Dołącz do nas na przygodę i wkład we współpracy ponad granicami.Dodatkowych informacji dotyczących kontaktu aikicorps@aiki-extensions.org Korpusu Aiki
Mamy nadzieję, że wspaniały dzień, i chętnie do przyłączenia się w pierwszym roku obchodzimy Międzynarodowy Aiki Peace Week.
Pozdrawiam w Aiki,
Kent Robert, prezes
Aiki Inc rozszerzenia
Rozszerzenia Aiki jest non-profit sieci lekarzy, którzy podejmują aikido zasady aiki off mat i na świecie w takich dziedzinach jak zapobieganie przemocy wśród młodzieży, K-12 programów rozwiązywania konfliktów, doradztwo biznesowe, psychoterapii i izraelsko-palestyńskiego programów pokoju. Rozszerzenia Aiki jest wiodącym na świecie przestrzeganie Aiki International Peace Week - dowiedz się więcej na http://www.aikipeaceweek.org
English to Italian translation
Ciao a tutti - non potrei essere più felice che 330 dojo di 43 paesi che condividono la Aikido con il pubblico in questa settimana e la gente insegnare a vivere meglio e più pacifica vita.
Ogni giorno di questa settimana, sarò in condivisione uno breve messaggio ispiratrici di un leader nel il tentativo di parti della vision OSensei il mondo as uno di famiglia con uno wider audience. Il messaggio di oggi viene da Tom Crum Sensei del Colorado, autore di The Magic of Conflict, The New Conflitto Cookbook, Tre Deep respiri, e Viaggio al Centro (link Amazon), un leader di personale e workshop aziendali e pioniere nel genere di lavoro che Estensioni Aiki esiste per promuovere.
Nelle sue parole:
Poco dopo l'11 settembre 2001, ho scritto su ciò che noi, come aikidoka, può portare alla fase di risoluzione dei conflitti mondiali. I pensieri sono pertinenti in quanto ormai, 9 anni dopo, come sono stati dopo quel fatidico giorno. In onore di International Aiki Settimana della pace, vi offro queste riflessioni:
Solo quando siamo centrati saremo guidate alle azioni più efficaci, senza ferire o che coinvolgono la innocenti.
Siamo in grado di respirare profondamente e portare la nostra consapevolezza di centro, per ottenere il coraggio e la capacità di lasciar andare la sentenza, i pregiudizi, e la rettitudine.
Siamo in grado di camminare un nuovo percorso per condurre l'umanità ad un terreno più alto. Criminali e terroristi sono coltivate in un terreno creato dalla vendetta, la paura e la separazione. Si possono piantare i piedi nel terreno basato su un amore difficile e centrato connessione.
Possiamo fare la nostra missione di ascoltare attivamente l'un l'altro, a prestare le nostre preghiere e le nostre mani per aiutare gli altri e di cercare e apprezzare il dono di essere insieme.
Possiamo essere centrati sulla possibilità di porre fine al ciclo della violenza per sempre. Nelle nostre azioni e conversazioni possiamo aiutare gli altri essere consapevoli del fatto che la forza segue forza cieca, causando un ciclo senza fine della sofferenza e della vendetta attraverso i secoli.
Il nostro più grande contributo verso l'umanità si trova davanti a noi. Possiamo arrivare al centro e abbracciarla.
Thomas Crum
Aiki Works, Inc.
Vogliamo incoraggiare tutti ad ottenere il massimo da Aiki Settimana della pace prendendo un sacco di immagini e video che potrai iniziare a caricare la nostra pagina di Facebook, l'Aiki Settimana della pace Google Group, nonché del corso come il proprio sito web. Se avete problemi di distacco delle immagini o file video da Facebook, inviateci una e-mail e forse possiamo anche contribuire a risolvere il problema.
Se you sono il tipo che si preoccupa about queste cose, noi abbiamo caricato nel gruppo di Google uno sample foto / video release modulo si può scegliere di avere i partecipanti sign in modo che ci sia chiarezza circa il fatto sono destinati these images per widely sharing. Il modulo è scritto per gli Stati Uniti, dove queste forme sono comuni - si può ben sentire non hai bisogno di uno. Si prega di notare che speriamo di mettere insieme un video e slide show celebra le classi numerose meraviglioso che ha avuto luogo durante la Settimana della pace Aiki quest'anno, nel quadro di sforzarsi per avere un dojo ancora più join per l'anno prossimo - e si suppone meno che non ci dicono altrimenti che le foto e il video postati nel gruppo facebook sono disponibili per tale uso non commerciale.
Sono anche, in ogni messaggio ogni giorno di questa settimana, andando to profilo di uno Aiki program Extensions - in modo da poter sapere chi siamo e possibly why or members of vi your dojo potrebbe want a join (mentre le quote annuali per le estensioni suggerite Aiki adesione è 50 dollari per gli individui e $ 100 per dojo, abbiamo una "paga quello che si può" quota associativa e accettare tutti. All quote di adesione vanno direttamente ad aiutare i suoi programs various - tutte le posizioni di executive sono filled da volontari e AE ha un solo part-time pagato membro del personale amministrativo).
Profilo Il programma di oggi è per il Corpo Aiki:
Insegna Aikido Around the World - Dojo neonata di sostegno in altri Paesi
Divertimento e viaggi per contribuire alla missione dell'Aikido
Estensioni Aiki fornisce un servizio globale per lo sviluppo di matching dojo che hanno bisogno di insegnanti esperti e impegnati, yudansha esperti che apprezzano sia di insegnamento e di viaggio. Vogliamo sentire da Sensei e dojo che vogliono visitare il sostegno di insegnanti con esperienza. E vogliamo sentire da interessati, maturo yudansha che vogliono fare volontariato un simile aiuto per un lungo weekend, una settimana o un periodo ancora più esteso.
Ci schermo e corrispondono alle parti interessate, li introducono alla vicenda e di fornire indicazioni circa il finanziamento, la progettazione e la logistica di viaggio di vita e di formazione. Abbiamo condotto con successo progetti Aiki Corpo a San Francisco, in Etiopia, Svizzera e Brasile. Unisciti a noi per un'avventura in collaborazione e il contributo di là delle frontiere. Per ulteriori informazioni riguardo Aiki contatto Corpo aikicorps@aiki-extensions.org
Vi auguriamo una splendida giornata, e sono felice di unirmi a voi nel celebrare il primo internazionale annuale Aiki Settimana della pace.
Vostro nel Aiki,
Robert Kent, Presidente
Estensioni Aiki Inc.
Estensioni Aiki è una rete senza scopo di lucro di praticanti di aikido che prendono principi aiki fuori il tappetino e nel mondo in settori quali la prevenzione della violenza giovanile, K-12 la risoluzione dei conflitti programmi di studio, consulenza aziendale, la psicoterapia, e israelo-palestinese programmi di pace. Estensioni Aiki è anche importante il rispetto a livello mondiale di International Aiki Settimana della pace - Per saperne di più a http://www.aikipeaceweek.org
English to Spanish translation
Hola a todos - no podríamos estar más felices que 330 dojos de 43 países están compartiendo sus Aikido con el público esta semana y enseñar a la gente a vivir vidas mejores y más pacífico.
Cada día de esta semana, voy a estar compartiendo un mensaje inspirador pasos de un líder en el esfuerzo por compartir la visión de Osensei el mundo como una familia con un público más amplio. El mensaje de hoy proviene de Tom Crum Sensei de Colorado, autor de La Magia de conflicto, el nuevo libro de cocina de conflictos, tres respiraciones profundas, y Viaje al Centro (enlace de amazon), líder de efectos personales y talleres de negocios y pionero en el tipo de trabajo que Extensiones Aiki existe para promover.
En sus propias palabras:
Poco después de septiembre 11 de 2001, escribí acerca de lo que nosotros, como aikidoka, puede traer a la escena mundial la resolución de conflictos. Los pensamientos son tan relevantes ahora, nueve años más tarde, como lo fueron después de ese fatídico día. En honor de Aiki Internacional Semana de la Paz, ofrezco la siguiente reflexión:
Sólo cuando estamos centrados seremos guiados a las acciones más eficaces sin dañar o implicando a los inocentes.
Podemos respirar profundamente y llevar nuestra conciencia al jardín central, para tener la valentía y la capacidad de dejar atrás de juicio, el prejuicio y la justicia.
Podemos caminar un nuevo camino para llevar la humanidad a un terreno más alto.Los delincuentes y los terroristas se crecen en un suelo creado por la venganza, el miedo y la separación. Podemos plantar los pies en el suelo basada en el amor dura y centrada en la conexión.
Podemos hacer que nuestra misión de escuchar activamente entre sí, para dar nuestras oraciones y nuestras manos ayudar a los demás, y buscar y apreciar el don de estar juntos.
Podemos estar centrado en la posibilidad de poner fin al ciclo de la violencia para siempre. En nuestras propias acciones y conversaciones que pueden ayudar a otros a tener en cuenta que la fuerza sigue ciegamente la fuerza, provocando un ciclo interminable del sufrimiento y la venganza a través del tiempo.
Nuestra mayor contribución a la humanidad está frente a nosotros. ¿Podemos conseguir centrado y lo abrazan.
Thomas Crum
Aiki Works, Inc.
Queremos animar a todos a sacar el máximo partido de Aiki Semana de la Paz, tomando muchas fotos y vídeo, que puedes empezar a subir a nuestra página de Facebook, la Semana de la Paz Aiki grupo de Google, así como por supuesto su propio sitio web. Si tiene algún problema publicación de las imágenes o archivos de vídeo a Facebook, envíenos un e-mail y tal vez podamos ayudar a resolver el problema.
Si usted es el tipo que se preocupa por estas cosas, hemos subido al grupo de google una foto de muestra / formulario de autorización de vídeo que pueden optar por firmar los participantes para que haya claridad sobre el hecho de que estas imágenes están destinados a compartir ampliamente. El formulario está escrito para los EE.UU., donde estas formas son comunes - que bien puede sentir que no necesita. Tenga en cuenta que esperamos hacer un video y diapositivas celebrar las clases maravillosas que tuvieron lugar durante Aiki Semana de la Paz de este año como parte del esfuerzo para tener aún más dojos unirse para el próximo año - y nos dará por supuesto que a menos que usted nos diga de otro modo que las fotos y video incluido en el grupo de facebook que están disponibles para uso no comercial.
También estoy, en cada mensaje diario de esta semana, va a un perfil de programa de Extensiones Aiki - para que usted pueda saber quiénes somos y, posiblemente, por qué usted o los miembros de su dojo puede ser que desee adherirse (Mientras que la cuota anual para las extensiones sugeridas Aiki miembros es de $ 50 para individuos y $ 100 para los dojos, tenemos un "pague lo que pueda" cuota de membresía y aceptar a todos. Toda la cuota de membresía ir directamente a apoyar nuestros programas diferentes - todos los cargos ejecutivos son ocupados por voluntarios y AE tiene un solo a tiempo parcial pagados funcionario administrativo).
Perfil de hoy es el programa para el Cuerpo de Aiki:
Enseñe Aikido en el Mundo - Apoyo Dojos Pájaro en otros países
Viajes para la diversión y contribuir a la misión del Aikido
Extensiones Aiki ofrece un servicio de juego mundial para el desarrollo de dojos que se encuentran en necesidad de maestros con experiencia y comprometidos, yudansha experiencia que disfrutan de la enseñanza y de viaje. Queremos saber de sensei y dojos que quieren el apoyo de profesores visitantes con experiencia. Y queremos tener noticias de interés, madura Yudansha a quienes les gustaría ser voluntario tal apoyo para un largo fin de semana, una semana o un período aún más prolongado.
Vamos a la pantalla y hacer coincidir las partes interesadas, introducir el uno al otro y dar orientación respecto a la financiación, diseño y logística de viajes de vida y de formación. Hemos llevado a cabo con éxito proyectos de Aiki Cuerpo en San Francisco, Etiopía, Suiza y Brasil. Únase a nosotros para una aventura en la colaboración y la contribución a través de fronteras. Para mayor información sobre Aiki contacto Cuerpo aikicorps@aiki-extensions.org
Esperamos que haya un día maravilloso, y estamos felices de unirnos a ustedes en la celebración del primer encuentro anual Internacional Aiki Semana de la Paz.
Atentamente en el Aiki,
Robert Kent, Presidente
Extensiones Aiki Inc.
Extensiones Aiki es una red sin fines de lucro de los profesionales que toman los principios del aikido aiki de la colchoneta y en el mundo en áreas como la prevención de la violencia juvenil, K-12 de resolución de conflictos planes de estudios, consultoría de negocios, la psicoterapia, y entre Israel y los programas de paz palestino. Extensiones Aiki es también líder en la celebración mundial de la Internacional Aiki Semana de la Paz - encontrar más información en http://www.aikipeaceweek.org
An Aiki Moment
In my Aikido classes, from day one, in addition to teaching waza, I emphasize learning how to replace physical feelings of stress, fear, and anger with calm alertness and compassionate power. One of my students, who had been practicing about a month, told me about his aiki moment:
I went to Wal-Mart, me and my wife. I was coming out, and I noticed this lady driving down the lane. She wasn’t stopping, and I pulled my wife back. The lady almost hit my wife, and just went by, didn’t even look our way. I shouted out, “You jerk!” I didn’t mean to say that, but I did. Her son was standing behind us, and he said “ That’s my mother you’re calling a jerk, (insert here an incendiary racial epithet I’m unwilling to print).” I thought about what he said, and I thought about Paul and the classes I’m taking, and I kept my control. By that time the lady drove back, and I said to her “I apologize for what I said,” and we kept right on walking. The guy looked at me kind of puzzled. The lady even looked at me puzzled. We got in our car, went on home, nobody went to jail, nobody went to the hospital. My wife even gave me a high five, saying “I never saw you do that before, I’m very proud of you.”
My student gained control of himself and the situation. That certainly counts as successful Aikido. Even more, it may have planted the seeds of nonviolence in the driver and her son. That is a living example of what the IAPW seeks to bring into people’s awareness.
I’d like to end with a request. I would like to write a book titled Accidental Perfection: Moments when Aikido Training Works. It would be a compilation of experiences in which Aikido training clicks into place and allows one to function with unaccustomed ease and effectiveness in some area of life. I would appreciate it if people could send me one or two page descriptions of their Aiki experiences. (I can read German and French, but English is much easier.) PaulLinden@aol.com
From: Robert Kent Wed, Sep 22, 2010 - International Aiki Peace Week - Day Three
(translations follow in French, German, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, and Spanish - scroll down looking for the row of “+” signs to get to the next language)
“Those who think deeply about Aikido feel that they must participate in the establishment of a universal system of truth and justice. It is our duty to serve as messengers and guides for world peace and universal brotherhood.”Morihei Ueshiba
- Imagine the thousands of Aikido practitioners in hundreds of dojos around the world, who are at this moment celebrating their own kinds of Aiki Peace Week event.
- Imagine the enormous burst of creativity set free by our coordinated action.
- Imagine the fact that in Aiki Peace Week we can all share O´Sensei's legacy regardless of the political divisions and stylistic differentiation we have in the world of Aikido.
- Imagine a broader public that knows more about Aikido as a joyful practice of reconciliation, compassion, and nonviolence.
- Imagine what that could mean for you and your dojo.
- Imagine that from now on, every year, an even greater part of the worldwide Aikido community will celebrate Aiki Peace Week.
- Imagine the spirit of Aiki spreading out beyond our dojos to become fruitful at many levels, from personal to political.
- Imagine Aikido becoming an important and well known part of a “culture of peace”.
- Imagine that you are making a significant contribution for this to become reality.
Bertram Wohak
Professional Consultants and Coaches Are Taking Aikido into Business
The Aiki Business Group brings together coaches, trainers, and consultants who use Aikido principles and embodiment practices in their engagements in the business world.
• We offer networking opportunities for mutual support and development
• We are compiling an online archive of relevant articles, books and videos
• We are developing a “how-to” manual for senior Aikido practitioners that will teach them how to successfully engage with businesses
• We are organizing a conference for experienced and new Aiki-business consulting practitioners
In these challenging and exciting times leadership is being called to manifest the capacity for stepping into power while resourcing wisdom through innovation and collaboration. As leaders we need to be able to take a stand and take action in the face of resistance and opposition – without collapsing or resorting to aggression. Aikido demonstrates that there are different ways to be powerful and to collaborate. Applying principles from Aikido and mindfulness we can examine unskillful habits and find new ways in which to collaborate and take action.
The aikido principles that inform Conscious Embodiment focus on the dynamics of mind/body wisdom as it relates to empowered leadership, our capacity to act with more integrity and our ability to influence the world.
We have been given the gift of aikido – may we use it wisely.
Blessings, Wendy Palmer Sensei
From: Robert Kent Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 4:20 AM -International Aiki Peace Week - Day Five (Friday)
An Aiki Military
I first met Birks when he was recently promoted to First Lieutenant, just a year out of The Basic School. He was the officer that supported our efforts running the Marine Warrior Project, the precursor to the Marine Corp Martial Art Program (MCMAP) at Camp Pendleton in 2000. In his support position he was close to the project but wasn’t a direct participant, but he was intensely interested and hounded me daily about what we we’re doing. He was a Division 1 Collegiate wrestler in College and had tried a number of martial arts. He was tough, disciplined, and carried a big heart in his barrel chest. I would show him what we were doing and he would hang around as much as his time allowed. He was a solid Marine and cared about his men and thought what we were doing would help his Marines. At some point I gave him the names of some Aikido dojos in the area and he began training.
Over the years I would get emails from Lt. Birks from around the world and he said he was continuing his Aikido training wherever he went. Then I heard a story about a Marine officer near Falluja, Iraq who had his patrol drop to one knee, take their helmets off, and bow their heads as an Iraqi funeral procession passed by. This diffused a potentially dangerous moment as the funeral crowd was outraged seeing an American unit patrolling nearby and they made threatening gestures. Later the Iraqis spoke the officer’s virtues in how he respected their culture. Coincidence or not, now Captain Birks’ unit, suffered minimal casualties in their deployment in this area. Later when I asked Birks about this he simply said, “It seemed like the Aiki thing to do.”
Richard Strozzi-Heckler
A Peace Dojo may incorporate non-martial art practices which teach physical and verbal peace skills; and/or outreach peacemaking projects in the greater community; and/or intellectual studies of conflict and conflict resolution.
A Peace Dojo engages in rigorous and deliberate training practices to develop the capacity for skillful, healing action and the courage of heart needed to face the fear and violence in oneself and in the world.
From: Robert Kent 2010/9/25 - International Aiki Peace Week - Day Six (Hurrah for the Weekend Saturday Edition)
(translations follow in French, German, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, and Spanish - scroll down looking for the row of “+” signs to get to the next language)
“the journey of 10,000 miles begins with one step” - Lao Tzu
338 dojos took the first step of a much larger journey by signing up for International Aiki Peace Week. We are thrilled you chose to join us. Where this path will take us, individually and collectively, may be impossible to predict, but I am confident that both the journey and the destination will be enriched by everything we have taught, thought about, and learned this week.
Paul Hawken, according to Fortune “the original hippie entrepreneur," insists that the world is in the midst of the “largest social movement in all of history”, the scope of which “no one knows” and “how it functions is more mysterious than what meets the eye” (Blessed Unrest 2). The direction and scope of that movement is mysterious because of its complexity, its irreducibility to one agenda or solution despite the powerful forces which bid for unified control on a global scale. As long as there have been human beings, we have most often engaged mysterious complexities through the making of powerful stories, mythologies, far reaching narratives which combine the factual power of lived experience with the imaginative reach and psychological depth of fiction. The center of the “largest social movement" Hawken mentions is also a myth, that is to say a hard working idea with enough room for both clarity and mystery. What Joseph Campbell refered to as the "New Myth" has to do with global citizenship - the insistence that peace for everybody is possible, requires practice, and that this practice results in Community, in all the ways that word is used.
More than a million people around the world participate in Aikido, a martial practice known as "the art of peace" because its founder, Morihei Ueshiba, made very clear that the purpose of Aikido was not to "train to become powerful or to throw down some opponent. Rather we train in hopes of being of some use, however small our role may be, in the task of bringing peace to mankind around the world.” (Aikido and the New Warrior - Strozzi-Heckler 28) This extension of aiki principles beyond the mat requires martial discipline so that the guardians of this ideal are not discouraged while cultivating the skills which make actual peace a reality when conflict is at its hottest and most disorienting. There is natural resistance to repeated labor when a clear end-point is not in sight but, as any martial artist knows, true preparation for real conflict involves innumerable small preparations over time to be ready in as many ways as possible for whatever comes in a moment. That is what Aiki Extensions and International Aiki Peace Week are about. Let's practice peace together.
From: Robert Kent 2010/9/26 International Aiki Peace Week - Day Seven ("Didn't someone say on the 7th day you get to rest?" Edition)
The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Most people think of Aikido as a peaceful art, inherently at odds with all the war and strife that seems so often to dominate both our lives and the evening news. As martial artists however, we should not shrink reflexively from either conflict or chaos. Indeed, these are the very elements we are training to dance with - to render harmonious and orderly. It is only by embracing the concept as well as all the individual manifestations of conflict that we, as peacemakers, can actually have the harmonious impact we are training to be capable of.
Violence, conflict, and chaos have at least one thing to recommend them - they are exactly the conditions that seem best able to generate, or reveal, the heroes amongst us. Some of these have been historical warriors - Churchill, Kennedy, and Washington - some have been literary warriors - such as Odysseus, Arthur, Cyrano, Wolverine, and Aragorn, and some are not seen as warriors at all - Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa. Each of these, whatever their warrior status, were leaders of a people in the midst of conflict, and as such needed the same warrior attributes - discipline, charisma, strategic vision, perseverance, and courage - that we try to nurture in ourselves as Aikidoka. All of these individuals were at least in part a product of their circumstances, thus if we are to appreciate our heroes, we have to allow ourselves to appreciate the violent, chaotic, and conflicted circumstances that helped make them heroic.
Heroes seem to emerge whenever a real crisis threatens a community or a nation. The evil of Hitler’s Germany was met by the resoluteness of Winston Churchill, Khrushchev was matched by John Kennedy, and Klansmen and segregation by Martin Luther King. Since heroes almost always appear when they are needed, it seems obvious that there must be some number of potential heroes constantly milling around waiting for a crisis to propel at least one of them to greatness. Thus an important role of conflict or crisis is to focus people’s attention and bring out our most heroic behaviors - whether this is a battalion charging into battle, or firefighters charging up the stairs of the World Trade Center.
Part Two - Generating heroes in an ambiguous modernity
If we want to survive the next decade or so, our little planet is going to have to come up with workable solutions to a variety of difficulties - economic, environmental, political, ethnic, technological, religious, etc. If we want to survive, we must quickly figure out how to unkindle the fires alight under the tinder of Islamic militancy, how to balance the legitimate needs of industry with the sustainable limits to environmental resources, how to prevent the spread of fissionable materials and technologies, and how to overcome the enormous economic influence of arms merchants, drug smugglers, and pharmaceutical companies. These solutions, whatever they are, will not come from the barrel of a gun or the blade of a flashing sword; the problems we as a planet face at this point in the new millennium are simply not the type that can be cured by violence. We have many good soldiers doing what soldiers do around the world, but in the grand scheme of things our problems will not be solved by soldiers but by statesman.
All the problems we face are rooted in, and nourished by, conflict. Aikido teaches us that the most effective approach to conflict resolution is not to "become stronger than one's opponent" because the only real opponent is the conflict itself. Instead, one must act as the catalyst by which the conflict itself is eliminated. Aikido training can help us to become such a catalyst, both on and off the mat.
25 years ago when I graduated from college, I saw many of my friends going off to become doctors, environmental lawyers, and social workers, but even though they may have been propelled by a tide of a hundred noble sentiments, I nevertheless saw my friends as engaged in an attack on the symptoms of society's discontents, rather than on the cause. To invoke Thoreau, I saw that "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root," (Walden, Economy) and I believe Aikido training can help us become such a one as he discussed.
If "conflict" is the true phylum name of whatever genus or species of problem we may encounter, then "solving the world's problems" becomes a matter of resolving the conflicts that engender the problems, rather than myopically focusing on the problems themselves. Were Heracles to have come up from behind and killed the body of the Hydra instead of frantically attacking all of its heads from the front, he might have had an easier time of it.
Our age is, however, more complex than the one that the Greek hero had to grapple with. Vanquishing our enemy with mighty sword strokes and some burning embers is no longer an option. Today the Hydra is a protected species, swords require a permit, and to burn embers one must first submit an environmental impact statement. The mythic description of the titanic contest is also out-dated. Closer examination of the field of battle reveals that it is no longer home to two elemental opposing forces.
We are, as Nietzsche put it, beyond Good and Evil. The Greeks saw life's challenges as pairings of monsters and heroes. On our field of battle, however, there is only the Hydra: venomous, wounded, dangerous, and alone. Just as Pogo discovered his enemy, we must understand that the great beast is us. There we are, with our many heads quarrelling in an otherwise unthreatening expanse. There is no opponent against whom we must, or even can, wage war; rather it is these heads, connected to our common frame, that must learn to wage peace. There is no "enemy" other than conflict, but since there is conflict within our collective breast, there is still a battle to be won. In that battle, for there to be "victory," we must somehow learn to tame ourselves.
Thus the challenge to the contemporary would-be hero is the ambiguity of modernity - we live in a world without dragons to slay and damsels to rescue from distress. Being a knight in shining armor was a lot easier when the bad guys wore black and the “good” thing to do was stick your sword though them a few times. The ultimate challenge, however, of conquering our own demons is still available to us would-be heroes centuries after dragon slaying became unfashionable. Nevertheless, living an enlightened life, as challenging as that may be, seems like it might not be enough when so much of our world is going to hell - if that enlightened life is played out quietly off the main stage of the world’s events.
Part Three - What's all this got to do with kids studying Aikido?
The world seems to be in desperate need of the kind of statesmanship that could have figured out by now what to do about terrorism, AIDS, global warming, and poverty. Maybe I missed something on the evening news, but our leaders, even the few inspiring ones, do not seem to have accomplished everything we need them to.
My contention is that it is up to those of us who have already found the aikido path to either make the headlines ourselves, or create from amongst our children and students the leaders who will. O'Sensei famously claimed that Aikido was a way to heal the world. While this seems an extravagant claim, who amongst us has devised a better way? There are, in this 41st year since the founder's passing, a million or more of us scattered around the planet, a group which constitutes a veritable army of harmonious change - if we do not put this healing into practice, who will? If our art is unable to resolve the conflicts that plague us, what art can? If we do not believe that training children in Aikido improves their chances of waging peace as adults, why do we teach this to kids? If we do not keep our expectations high and believe our students must be made ready to take on the world's great challenges, how can they be prepared to do so?
Margaret Mead once wrote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." While there is nothing wrong with using aikido to teach kids to be a bit more coordinated and a bit more confident, it is not enough; we must, as teachers of children, also wield aikido to create the kind of thoughtful, committed citizens that can manifest the art's potential for leadership and healing.
The practice of war, which mankind seems so reluctant or unable to give up, is good at drawing out the heroes from our midst. It is bad, however, on so many other levels that the price of finding those heroes never seems worth paying. Aikido training, however, has the potential to be groomed into the moral equivalent of war - for if it is war that awakens the great heroes amongst us - it will be the moral equivalent of war that will, without any violence and chaos required, awaken the great statesmen.
The general Aiki Peace Week page on this site (and an embed of the official site) may be found here.